iFlyRes NDC Platform is IATA Level 4 certified [Highest level of certification offered by IATA for an IT provider] and has the most certified messages for an IT provider at Level 4. iFly Res is level 4 certified with NDC version 17.2 eDist.
32 Certified Messages version 17.2
1. Acknowledgement
2. AirDocDisplayRQ/AirDocDisplayRS
3. AirShoppingRQ/AirShoppingRS
4. BaggageAllowanceRQ/BaggageAllowanceRS
5. BaggageChargesRQ/BaggageChargesRS
6. BaggageListRQ/BaggageListRS
7. FareRulesRQ/FareRulesRS
8. InvGuaranteeRQ/InvGuaranteeRS
9. InvReleaseNotif
10. OfferPriceRQ/OfferPriceRS
11. OrderCancelRQ
12. OrderChangeNotif
13. OrderChangeRQ
14. OrderCreateRQ
15. OrderListRQ/OrderListRS
16. OrderReshopRQ/OrderReshopRS
17. OrderRetrieveRQ/OrderViewRS
18. SeatAvailabilityRQ/SeatAvailabilityRS
19. ServiceListRQ/ServiceListRS
iFly Res supports NDC standard APIs which enables third-party applications to interact with iFly Res functionalities through a request-response mode of operations across the networks. The iFly Res APIs will acts as a medium of reference for the web vendors in order to achieve the iFly Res system functionalities over the web. This allows website vendors or OTAs to explore the iFly Res functionalities over the web and there by achieving public scalability for the iFly Res airline customers. Currently the CXF framework is used for implementing the iFly Res NDC APIs. iFly Res system functions will be exposed as a web service and will be using web server protocol SOAP 1.2 [Simple Object Access Protocol]. The definition of the services will be available to the third-party applications using WSDL 1.1[Web Service Definition Language]. NDC